
Hillarys Christmas Crafts Workshop

Last weekend, I was invited down to Brighton by Joe Blogs to attend the Christmas crafts workshop hosted by HillarysHelen was also attending which made me very happy and we started our day with a quick trip to the arcade where I actually won something out of the 2p machine! (Ok, it was just a slinky and it got stuck halfway down so I had to track down a worker to free it, but Helen had told me "You'll never win that slinky" so my victory was sweet!). 

After our arcade fun, we headed off through the labyrinthine Lanes of Brighton to find our venue for the afternoon, Taj's Tea Parlour.

After bagging a great window seat and settling down, we were introduced to Kirsty of Make, Do and Trend who was our guide for the afternoon. 

We started off very simple with a basic bunting craft using fabric supplied by Hillarys. I think the highlight for everyone was peeling the PVA glue of their hands!

After making the bunting, it was time for a tea break with drinks and biscuits provided free of charge. Unfortunately, I don't drink tea or coffee and the owner of the cafe refused to allow me a soft drink alternative which I wasn't best pleased with, to be honest, but I did have a couple of the Christmas tree biscuits.
Once we'd rested our crafting hands for a while, we moved on to our second craft- a fabric bauble. This was much more complicated than the bunting but surprisingly easy once I got the hang of it. However, it did take a lot of patience and concentration. It also made my thumbs really hurt after two hours of pushing pins into the polystyrene ball! Let me tell you, my bauble may look decent enough in this photo but it is a hot mess! I'm not cut out for this making decorations malarkey!

Huge thanks to all at Hillarys, Joe Blogs and Make, Do and Trend. I had a lovely day in Brighton and I picked up some great crafty tips for future crafts. Practise makes perfect, I guess! 


  1. I had a great time at the workshop, just a shame there wasn't much opportunity for mingling - would have been great to say hello! x

  2. Sounds like a good day, I love crafting. A bit harsh of them not offering you another drink. You should have just asked for tap water, its free!
    Water Painted Dreams xo

  3. Woo Brighton! Looks like a fun day I love the idea of the fabric bauble. It's a shame they wouldn't let you have a different drink that's a bit mean :S xx

  4. I really LOVE crafting, but i'm useless with it haha this looks fun!
    Love VictoriaJanex

  5. Ah sorry I didn't get to say hi, lovely photos though :)

    Sophie x


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