
OOTD // 29th December 2014

Jumper: ASOS
Dress: H! by Henry Holland

Isn't this jumper the best? It was a Christmas present from my grandparents and is so me. The pastel shades, the kitschy poodle motif, the texture. Everything about it is perfect for me! I love how it looks with my flamingo dress. The way it clashes is exactly what I like about it. Flamingoes and poodles in one outfit? Sure, why not?

In other news, this is the first outfit photo I've taken with my new lights. I'm still experimenting with them but I'm really excited about being able to improve my photography... and have the ability to take photos at 2am if I so wish! No more restrictions from the sun! The photos I took for my 3rd blog birthday post were also boosted by my lights, and I think they work really well against the white wall. I'm so looking forward to developing my use of light over the next year! 


  1. Ahh this outfit is brilliant! They really do go together :)
    Maeve // Thrift O'Clock

  2. I love this outfit!! Wanted this dress but always talked myself out of it lol


  3. I love the dress! I can never resist a good flamingo print!

  4. This is too cute, I love the mixed animal prints <3

  5. Cute outfit! Love putting things that "clash" together!! :D x

  6. Love the jumper! You wouldn't think a poodle jumper and a flamingo dress would work together but they totally do! :)

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine

  7. Such a cute outfit! Loving the print of the dress :)

  8. Poodles and flamingoes, why wouldn't you wear them together?! ;)


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